Brand Intelligence News

Nigerian Breweries Launches ‘Legend Twist’ – A flavored stout line extension of Legend Extra Stout

Nigeria’s foremost brewer, Nigerian Breweries Plc has unveiled the latest addition to its teeming portfolio – ‘Legend Twist’.

The innovative addition was in a bold move to meet the evolving demands of a dynamic consumer base and redefine the stout landscape in Nigeria.

Crafted with the intention to differentiate within the stout category and cater to the growing demand for premium and diverse taste repertoires, Legend Twist is poised to captivate the hearts and palates of consumers. With a lower ABV, non-bitter profile, and a stylish presentation in sleek 33cl cans and 33cl RGB bottles, Legend Twist introduces a delightful fusion of fruity flavors – pineapple, lemon, and ginger. It’s a bold departure from the traditional stout experience, unlocking new dimensions of taste and style.

Ita Bassey, Portfolio Manager, Dark Beer, Nigerian Breweries PLC, shared insights into the inspiration behind ‘Legend Twist’. “In crafting Legend Twist, we wanted to offer consumers more than just a beverage; we aimed to deliver a transformative experience. This brand is a testament to our commitment to innovation and satisfying the diverse tastes of our consumers. ‘Legend Twist’ is not just a drink; it’s an ode to those who crave something extraordinary. Legend Twist encapsulates the spirit of exploration, daring consumers to enter a world where flavours intertwine, creating a resonant experience.

Unveiled on 29 January, 2024, at the prestigious Nigerian Breweries Distributors Awards, this innovative fusion of rich stout with vibrant fruity flavours is specially brewed for consumers seeking an extra layer of enjoyment in their beverage choices or looking to reduce their consumption of alcohol.

To herald the arrival of Legend Twist, a captivating campaign is set in motion. With the tagline “From one legend to another, now with a twist,” the campaign encapsulates the spirit of the brand and the transformative experience that Legend Twist offers. With an engaging TV commercial, dynamic digital promotions, and enticing in-store activities, the campaign aims to resonate with consumers nationwide.

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